Loikaw Political Prisoners’ Fate Uncertain Amidst Mass Amnesty in Burma

By Network Media Group
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Karenni Political Prisoners Association (KPPA) expressed uncertainty regarding the release of political prisoners from Loikaw prison during the recent mass amnesty on April 17th, which saw over 3,000 inmates freed across Burma.

Ko Htar Poe, head of KPPA’s information department, stated that they have been unable to confirm any releases due to the lack of phone connectivity in Loikaw. Previously, they had maintained communication with prison officials and provided some food rations for prisoners of conscience, but this has ceased since April 17th when phone services were suspended.

Although the regime released 38 political prisoners on April 1st without public announcement, Ko Htar Poe doubts that many more will receive amnesty, suspecting that only non-political convicts will be freed.

KPPA reports that over 100 political prisoners are among the 500 inmates still held in Loikaw prison, suffering from malnutrition and lack of healthcare amidst the ongoing conflict in Karenni State capital, which resistance forces are close to capturing.

Karenni resistance groups have gained control over more than half of the city and seized other towns like Shadaw since initiating their 1111 Operation in November. This operation aims to drive regime soldiers out of Karenni State.