Three Ethnic Parties Contesting Election in Mon State

By Network Media Group
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Three parties, each representing a different ethnic group, will contest the 2020 general election in Mon State.

The Mon Unity Party (MUP) is fielding 35 electoral candidates to contest 8 townships in Mon State. MUP will compete for a seat in the House of Representatives (Lower House), House of Nationalities (Upper House), State Parliament and Minister of Bamar Ethnic Affairs.

The Karen People’s Party (KPP) will run 9 electoral candidates in 4 townships, including vying for a seat in the House of Representatives, House of Nationalities, State Parliament and Minister of Karen Ethnic Affairs.

The Pa-O National Organization registered three electoral candidates with the Mon State Election Commission. They will compete for a seat in the House of Representatives, House of Nationalities, State Parliament and Minister of Pa-O Ethnic Affairs.

Hein Lin Htet, head of Mon State Election Commission, told NMG that 303 electoral candidates, both independent and from 13 different parties, are contesting 45 seats during the election. Regular polling is scheduled for November 8.

The other parties are the United Democratic Party, United Ethnic Nationalities Democratic Party, Union Solidarity and Development Party, National League for Democracy Party, Bamar People’s Party, Union Betterment Party, People’s Pioneer Party, National Politics Democratic Party, People’s Party (“88 Generation” Democracy Party) and National Unity Party.

In Mon State, there are 10 seats up for grabs in House of Representatives, 12 in House of Nationalities, 20 for Mon State Parliament and one each for Ethnic Affairs ministerial posts for Bamar, Karen and Pao-O.

During the 2015 elections, 280 electoral candidates from 18 parties¬–and as independent candidates–contested seats in Mon State.