After Media Shutdown, Ethnic-Languages TV Hosted On BNI Website

By Network Media Group
Friday, February 5, 2021

Burma News International (BNI) started airing its Ethnic-Language Television (ELTV) only on its website, Facebook and YouTube after the junta shut down the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) channel following the coup d’etat.

Nan Pawt Gay, the chair of BNI’s Policy Affair Committee and the founder and editor-in-chief for Karen News, told NMG that many people in the South East nation will lose access to crucial information about indigenous issues because of the TV media blackout, which happened on February 1, the same day the Burma Army took power of the country.

“It looks like our country is returning to the dark age. I’m really concerned about people not being able to access information for so long, and I want the authorities to reopen the channels of communication, including all of the TV networks.”

Many of BNI’s member newsgroups produce content for ELTV, which includes news about the peace process, the conflict in Burma, human rights, the economy, education and health, as well as special programming for women and youth.

Since the military takeover happened, “it’s like the eyes and ears of people are closed,” Nan Pawt Gay said. “We’ll keep broadcasting our programs online for as long as we can.”

The Kachin News Group, Kantarawaddy Times, Chin World, Khonumthung News, Mon News Agency, Narinjara and Shan Herald Agency for News contribute content in their local languages for ELTV.

Since February 2, programming can only be watched on BNI’s website, Facebook and YouTube.

BNI, an ethnic media network of sixteen newsgroup reporting on Burma, which includes Karen News and NMG, was founded in 2003.