Roving Junta Soldiers Attack Villages In Khin U Township
By Network Media Group
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Since early June, the Burma army has been moving from village to village, torching houses in Khin U Township in Sagaing Region.
A man from Ayar Taw said that a column of about 200 soldiers set fire to three houses in his village and up to five houses in Thayet Kon on 18 June.
In the fifth attack on Kan Thit, soldiers burnt down 33 houses in the village on 14 June, according to True News Information for the township. They also attacked Tha Gara for the fourth time, burning down six houses after clashing with the People’s Defence Force in a paddy field near the Ye U to Khin U road in the morning.
On 9 June, the junta shelled Yay Aye Kon with artillery from Shwe Moe Nyo Pagoda, where the soldiers are staying, causing the residents to flee for their lives. The next day a column from Shwebo Military School 8 burned four houses and killed two sheep and a pig in the village in the morning. The soldiers also stole more than 70 sheep and some cows from Hpo Kon, where the Pyusawhtee People’s Militia Force is based. The same column torched 7 houses in Moe Nat on 6 June.
Volunteers told NMG that about 3,000 people from the village as well as from Thanbo, Chaung Sone and Kye Kan sought refuge from the roving soldiers. The regime has already destroyed 6,000 houses in 76 villages in the township since the coup. 30.000 people are still displaced and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.