Burma Army Clash with TNLA in Mogok Township

By Network Media Group
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

For the second time, since the country went to the polls during the recent election, Tatmadaw soldiers fought with Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) this Tuesday, November 24, in Mogok Township, located in Burma’s northern Shan State.

The armed groups clashed in the township in Mandalay Region the first time on November 19, less than two weeks after the 2020 race, which saw the National League for Democracy emerging yet again as the victor.

Maj Mai Aik Kyaw, in charge of TNLA’s information department, told NMG that yesterday’s battle happened at about 8 p.m. not far from the town of Mogok. “Our troops came from Kyauk Wah and clashed with the Burma Army near Loi Oo ward. I think it lasted about 20 minutes.” He said no TNLA were wounded and the situation is quiet now.

Khin Mar Oo, the deputy chair of Lisu National Development Party (LNDP) for Mogok Township, told NMG that the sounds of gunfire could be heard in Mogok town.

Because Tatmadaw soldiers are staying in Loi Oo ward, Lisu villagers from Kyauk Wah, Kyauk Pon, Mang Ner and Pein Pit fled to the town and are taking refuge at Buddhist monasteries, boarding schools and with relatives. At least 10 are staying at the LNDP office.

One villager, who asked to remain anonymous, told NMG they heard gunfire this morning, November 25, near Loi Hser village, between Mogok and Mongmit.

NMG called Tatmadaw True News Information Team to comment on the fighting in Mogok Township, but no-one responded. Nor was any information posted on its official website.

On November 17, the Burma Army fought the Kachin Independence Army at two locations in Muse Township in northern Shan State.